Bring me my burning red chariot of fire
and the mighty pards of Bacchus, the god!
Let me have my shield, sword and throwing spear!
I have had enough, let me tread alone
down this treacherous path of war, tonight!


Have I not been waiting hard and too long,
for Liberty to come the easy way
but Liberty is a bloodthirsty soul
and at his swollen feet I hope to make
a dark crimson sea of blood, deep and wide!


Have I not cast all my dreams far away
because human beings should not dream in chains!
So, here I am off to seize both night and the day,
for the sake of Liberty, to drive them insane!  



41 thoughts on “Liberty

                    1. oh no it’s noon here. I must be minus 5 then. Never could keep that straight 🙂 glad I don’t have to calculate local time from GMT whenever I look at my phone. Otherwise I’d be late to everything! 🙂

                      Liked by 1 person

  1. WOW Amit! Your pen is on fire! This fits so well the celebration of Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream”.
    The feelings are powerful and make the soul of the reader feel empowered.
    Loved it!! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Some really great lines in this, Amit…oft’ times we are freeing ourselves from ourselves…the chains we are tethered to are ones we forge…love the movement and the sentiment…a warrior off to battle and reclaim the freedom of night and day! Bravo and Godspeed!

    Liked by 3 people

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