Dedicated to thatmishmash


An angel you are too, I have no doubt
with divine wings! Well, clipped perhaps if I
submit to what you say and I would have,
had I not known, the wings of an angel
always heal and regenerate with time!

See, how your words make others tread the sky
on their ethereal wings, bolstered with hope
and a better reckoning in their eyes,
a grand feat worthy of angels alone,
who can bestow their wings to common minds!

And this too I know that you are a saint,
canonized by the spring of Helicon
for love and all yielding admissions, so I pray –
may the God of love let you be on His pageant!



34 thoughts on “To A Friend

  1. Reblogged this on thatmishmash and commented:
    After hours of thinking of what to say , I am still too overwhelmed . I don’t know what I have done or said to merit such a dedication , but
    I am truly grateful ad indebted . Thank you AR and God bless .

    Liked by 1 person

  2. On the page dedicated to gratitude in the book of my life , know that your name will be etched in gilded letters for every word you have written and for every kind wish.
    I am no angel , AR but a blessed soul helped me sprout wings again when I had begun to fear flying and blessed souls like you egg me on to keep soaring .
    What can I say to express how humbled and indebted I am to you for this? Just a prayer that you get all the love ,joy and peace that you deserve . God bless.
    It’s my dad’s birthday today and you made it one that I will never forget .

    Liked by 1 person

          1. I have never reblogged so am not sure how that works, but will give it a shot in the evening. Was waiting to know if it was ok 🙂 🙂
            I have never had a dedication as eloquent as this and don’t know what to say ?

            Liked by 1 person

              1. Gosh ! No one will write me one am sure .Lol . This is the one and the only God intended for me , may be to see show me some light and not stop mid-flight now.

                Liked by 1 person

                  1. Whhhhhhhaaaattt ? and Whhhhhhhhhhyyy? There isn’t a dearth of subjects am sure for someone as gifted as you! Am not much of anything really .

                    Liked by 1 person

                    1. Touche !
                      and you probably don’t even know what you just said is so true ….people find a certain barrenness in me….figuratively and literally 😦 , if you know what I mean. Bless you for seeing beauty and inspiration where others see dark alleys and emptiness.

                      Liked by 1 person

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