


Bring me my burning red chariot of fire
and the mighty pards of Bacchus, the god!
Let me have my shield, sword and throwing spear!
I have had enough, let me tread alone
down this treacherous path of war, tonight!


Have I not been waiting hard and too long,
for Liberty to come the easy way
but Liberty is a bloodthirsty soul
and at his swollen feet I hope to make
a dark crimson sea of blood, deep and wide!


Have I not cast all my dreams far away
because human beings should not dream in chains!
So, here I am off to seize both night and the day,
for the sake of Liberty, to drive them insane!  



The Opposite

I watched the night rolling on past the meridian,
being chased by the clear dawn on a golden chariot.

Across the core, on the other side of the world,
the opposite is happening, had any soul,
down under, looked up at the sky, it could have seen
the bright afternoon being chased by an early gloom,
that arrives before the descent of a night.

I watched the azure ice on glaciers, melting down,
being ruthlessly calved by an ever rising heat
and carbon too in the air that keeps us alive.

At the opposite shore, unseen, far, far away,
had a soul looked down at the sea, it could have seen
how the roaring waves are rising everyday
and slowly devouring the human habitat.