A Sense of Love

A Sense of Love

I did not love her for the curls of silk
on her head, cascading down like a stream,
that watered the dried out plains of my heart.
Nor was my love for the sparkle in her eyes
twinkling like the beacon from a lighthouse,
that showed my drifting soul a destiny.
I loved her not for the warmth of her smile,
radiating like an Autumn afternoon,
supple, mellow yet reinvigorating,
that healed my ageing spirit’s chronic wounds.


But why did I love her then, and for what?
I loved her so because she truly was
what I have always wanted my female self to be.
So loving her was like loving myself for me!


Love Revisited

Love Revisited

Someone said it, and I remember who,
but when, I forgot. Was it yesterday,
or in my previous life, I cannot tell.
“You must love yourself first, before you can
truly love another soul.” Yes, I know
how vital loving oneself has become,
in today’s synthetic world, poisonous
and not just that, highly venomous too,
for it will so often bite, like a snake,
and the toxic thoughts will course through our veins,
returning to our lovelorn hearts and brains.
So, I must admit, loving oneself is
one of the ways. Is it the only one?


Human beings have a part of God, they say.
If that is so, we are part God within
and of course, part the human beast as well.
A beast that can murder and create, a beast,
who can both kill and make love, just for fun,
and do things, undreamt of in our philosophies!
Yet, we can choose, can we not, which of these
two, we shall cherish and nurture in life!


If we choose our Godly side, which is One,
and nourishing, let it grow to its bloom,
let it color our entire existence –
the human beast, its heart, brain and the godly soul
we do not need to love ourselves, any more
to love another human being, because –


“He prayeth best, who loveth best
All things both great and small;
For the dear God who loveth us,”
She made and loveth all!


The Color of Your Soul

The Color of Your Soul

Of all the earthly color, my favorite one is blue!
And in thy glory, even azure oceans fade in hue!
In green you resemble the Nature as if you two are one
and you are everywhere down to humble mosses and ferns!


But woe! Enough said already? Perhaps. How could I tell?
Silence chills and soothes and I shiver all the same,
trembling in deep shock and awe from inside, but in the end
seems I love you even more
than I have loved you ever before,
because of nothing but the color of your soul!


In red you remind me of Menaka,
the Nymph famous for her beauty, and in pure white,
of Parvati, the daughter of the Mountain King!
So, sometime I remain calm, contemplating
like Vishvamitra, the great-saint
and some time I become Shiva-like, tumultuous –
destroying and preserving both, like a raging flood,
or churn the seas to drink the poison, floating in their blood,
depending on the color of your soul,
and in the end I love you even more
than I could have loved you ever before,
because of nothing but the color of your soul!

Vishwamitra & Menaka :

Menaka was one of the most beautiful celestial nymphs. When king Vishwamitra started his first meditation, Menaka was sent by the gods to lure him out of it. She was successful, by the grace of her divine beauty. They fell in true love with each other which resulted in the birth of a daughter. Their grandchild was called Bharata. The name of India in Sanskrit and other languages descending from Sanskrit is Bharata. However, when Vishwamitra came to know about Menaka’s initial intent (of luring him out of his meditation), he cursed her to be separated from him forever.

Parvati :

She is one of the three daughters (Ganga or the river Ganges was another) of Himavan, the mountain king. Along with Lakshmi and Saraswati, Parvati forms the trinity of goddesses or Tridevi. She is the wife of Shiva. It is said that Parvati embodies the amalgamation of divine knowledge and mother earth.

Shiva :

Along with Brahma and Vishnu, Shiva forms the trinity of gods, Trimurti. He is the god of destruction. Shiva is famous for saving the seas of the world from poison administered by the anti-gods, during their epic battle with the gods. With Parvati, he forms the androgynous god, Ardhanarishwara.

Love, Death, Rebirth…

Love, Death, Rebirth…

I can see your face,
yet we are so far apart.
I can feel your touch,
though our fingers are not intertwined.
I can smell you in the air,
even when there is no wind.
I can hear your footsteps echoing
through the corridors of my heart,
while I know you have always walked
on a different plain.


I’m enraged, feeling abandoned,
little bittersweet but confused above all-
why bitter and what on earth could have made it sweet?
Have these sensations, both heavy and venomous,
been making my tongue taste like lead?
Does your emptiness make me incomplete?


I do not know anything, and even trying
feels like an ocean too wide for me –
an ocean, I feel no more
strong enough to sail across and see
what is waiting on the other side,
but I know in my heart that I have to be,
unbroken and untamed, with an astute resilience.
So I spread my fiery wings and rise,
like a Phoenix, from the ashes of all my deaths
in your indifference, and soar into the sky!


A Godly Descent

A Godly Descent

Guess, I wanted to be a god in my previous life!
I, a mere mortal fool, with the audacity
to desire an abode and everlasting peace
atop Mount Olympus, Kailash, Fuji, Sinai
or any other name one calls it in their mother’s tongue!


In the beginning, like a proper fool, I thought,
I was destined to become the winged god of Love,
until I saw, two things were missing from the scene –
the bow and those little, sweetly poisoned darts, dipped in
the wild passion that proudly runs through his fair mother’s veins!


If I must have a bow, I thought, why not the best,
so I set my eyes for Apollo’s golden one;
for the next while or two, it seemed to work – the pen
despite its sheer lack of potency came alive
until the very dream woke me up and muttered, good night!


Now I rule the fiery pits of hell, though not as Hades
but a mere mortal one, setting his future bed of nails,
still dreaming of a Prometheus unbound, to bring some light
unto the dark world and succeed where this mortal fool has failed!